Monday, September 26, 2011


YAAAAAY!!!! So we had a few things we had to demonstrate, first how to put togather a outfit with low prim arcs, meaning clothing and hair that wont make u lag and less textures.  Which is super hard cause most of everything u wear clothing and hair has tons of prim textures making ur arc very high and causing lag. The goal was to do 3 outfits swimwear 250 arcs, casual 350 and finally formal 700. Bliss has the best hair that are low arc and zhao shoes are nice shoes and low arc.

Secondly, we had to perfom 4 formations, beach formation and then dome formation both had bio on it.Bio is a reading about urself, at the end of it the teacher told me and my partner laci we passed, It was a awesome feeling, we did so good almost perfect togather. Now we await FINAL WITH THE CEO omg im nerves, will update u on the progress.

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